You are almost there. After the structural plans have been finalised, we will connect you with upto 3 verified builders and get you 3 quotations for the full build.
This will include:
- Upto 3 quotes from verified Master builders (We can discuss the verification at a later stage)
- 2 stages checks by an approved inspector (this is outside of building control. Quality control and material checks with method statements)
- Contracts of works insurance policy to cover existing structures, what’s being built, materials on site etc
- PG held against the company director (no hiding behind an LTD)
- Full Documentation of the process from start to finish
- 7 Year guarantee at the end of the project upheld by an optional IBG
Once a builder has been agreed our construction supermarket team will do the contractual management for you and draft the full route forward for you with the builder. At this stage you would be required to comply with the building inspector as he would be signing of the certificate of completion.
Building Inspector would determine the structural soundness of the proposed extension and other building regulation standards. They would be responsible for inspecting and assessing the structural quality of the proposed ensuring compliance with zoning regulations, national building codes, and contract specifications.
This is the most important and perhaps the last stage of the project.