How to Convert Paper Drawings into AutoCAD?

  • March 19, 2018
  • Cadhauz

Wondering how to convert paper drawings into AutoCAD? Find out the two steps involved in AutoCAD conversion and why outsourcing CAD conversion is a good idea.

Does your organization still use legacy paper drawings? If yes, there is a good chance that you would be wasting precious time in trying to convert your paper drawings into AutoCAD. Understanding what exactly to do when it comes to converting old paper archives into AutoCAD is critical, as it can save you a lot of time and effort.

Here are two steps that can help you with AutoCAD conversion:

Step 1: Scan the paper drawing

As simple as it sounds, scanning your CAD drawings can be a tricky process. You would require a large and accurate format scanner along with a trained scanner operator who has considerable experience. You can either choose to buy a scanner and train a professional within your enterprise or you could simply outsource scanning.

If you have two few drawings, then it will not be justifiable to invest in a scanner. On the other hand, if you have too many drawings, the job of scanning can take away several man-hours that could otherwise be invested in your current project.

If your enterprise has many paper drawings, but you will only be converting a few at a time and have a professional who can handle a large format scanner, then it would be an advantage to buy a large format scanner. However, if you have only a few drawings to convert or if you have to convert all at one time, then outsourcing CAD conversion would be the better option.

Paper drawings in poor condition will require special handling when it comes to scanning. If they are fragile, they have to be slipped into a protective sheet for scanning. If the paper drawings are damaged or extremely fragile, they will require editing and clean-ups to make sure that the digital file does not have distortions or errors. An experienced scanner operator can do a good job with file clean-up along with the facilities of a large format scanner.

Step 2: Convert TIFF to CAD

After the paper document is scanned, you will be left with a TIFF file. When the file is entered into AutoCAD, you will get a DWG file. This means that the file will require a changing from raster to vector. Although there is automatic conversion, with the help of software, this can be quite tricky to get it right. The resolution and overall quality of the raster image are critical factors for the end quality and accuracy of the vector file. This is an important factor that cannot be ignored during conversion.

Even if you have advanced and automated rater to vector conversion technology, it could still take hands-on professionals to complete the process and present you with an accurate AutoCAD file. For instance, if you were to convert legacy drawings into AutoCAD files, you have to make sure that the converted files contain five to seven layers along with correct dimensions in separate layers and editable text.